cindycha26: Single Woman in United States - Swedish Dating - svenska dejting
- Last seen a long time ago
- Gender:
- Woman
- Location:
- Manchester, Tennessee, United States
- Appearance
- Height:
- 5' 6"
- Eyes:
- Black
- Hair:
- Black
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Personal
- Looking for:
I AM all the world, there is no onE eLsE exactly like mE.
one me. EverytHing tHat comes Out Of mE is aUthenticaLLy mine
because I aLonE chose it --- I Own everything about mE, my body, mY fEElings,
mY mOuth, mY vOicE, aLL mY actions, wHetHer they Be To Others Or tO myself ---
I Own my fantasies, mY dReams, MY hOpes, mY fears---I Own aLL my tRiumpHS
and SuCCesses, aLL my failures and mistakes because I own aLL of mE, it’s all mine.
I can become intimately acquainted with mE---
by sO dOing I can Love mE and bE friendly with mE in aLL my parts---
I know there arE aspects about myself tHat puzzle mE
and other aspects that I dO nOt know-but as Long as I am friendLy
and Loving tO MyseLF,I can courageously and hopefully
LOOk for sOlutions to the Puzzles and fOr ways tO find Out More about me---
However I Look and sOUnd, whatever I say and do, and whatever
I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically ME
If later some parts Of hOw I LOOked, sOunded,thought
and felt turn Out to be unfitting,I can discard that which is unfitting,
kEEp thE rest, and invent sOmething new fOr that which I discarded---
I can sEE, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have tools tO survive,
to be close to others, to be productive and tO make sense and
Order Out Of the world of People and things oUtside of me---I oWn mE,
and therefore I can engineer myself. Thus, I can also nurse mE---I am mE and I am Okay.