Al-jazīrah Singles - Svenska Dating in Sudan

Swedish dating site & dating app for singles meet online. Here are a list of single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this Swedish online dating app resided in Al-jazīrah of Sudan. To view and chat singles at Al-jazīrah, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

naser, 19900101, Rufāʿah, al-Jazīrah, Sudan
Rufāʿah, al-Jazīrah, Sudan
Living situation:
About yourself:
Looking for:


Afraa, 19890620, Wad Madanī, al-Jazīrah, Sudan
Wad Madanī, al-Jazīrah, Sudan
Living situation:
With roommate(s)
Lovely woman
About yourself:
Love life and happiness, someone who look for a warm love and ambitious LIFE. I like to read, watch movies and cook. I'm very connected with my work and I feel good about it. I'm the elderly girl of my family. I like to have a great time.
Looking for:

Lovely, warm man who likes to share with me great memories, serious man can depend on his love, enjoy the life and connect to his soul.

Shrbaik, 19630501, Wad Madanī, al-Jazīrah, Sudan
Wad Madanī, al-Jazīrah, Sudan
Living situation:
About yourself:
An ordinary person who trusts himself does not need to be praised by people, and whoever asks for praise has indicated his suspicion of his self-worth. If I have confidence in myself then I inspire others to trust. You must trust yourself, and if you do
Looking for:

Perfect woman
It is characterized by material well-being, patience, passion, and ambition, a resolute, strong personality, and very jealous, and is characterized by calmness, sobriety and stability, characterized by curiosity, love of knowledge and reaching the goal, and its ability to invest its time in something useful, with efficiency; Because of her amazing and powerful ability, nothing is difficult for her, as she is characterized by patience, calmness, coldness, and bearing responsibility, she is not easily raised and turns a blind eye to many things, and she is intelligent and witty and is not interested in obtaining high diplomas as much as her interest in knowledge and knowledge, so she adheres to the basic principles, In addition, she is an example of a practical woman, and she is able to deal with a lot of stress and anxiety resulting from her family or herself, and despite this, she rarely withdraws or collapses, complains, or shows signs of discomfort, as well as avoids sympathy, and relies instead on her steadfastness. To overcome the situation, and knows how to accomplish things on her own, she is a firm woman when she needs to, and often does not give her allegiance to only a few people, and she will expect the same in return, and she is always ready to provide support or guidance to those she trusts, but it may disappoint Her hope is easy if she does not get the same thing in return, and she is a loyal friend who is loyal and sensitive, and enjoys the fun that attracts hearts easily, and sometimes she is chaotic and quarrelsome, and at other times she is sober and calm, her childhood remains printed in Her memory and leaves a clear impression in her behavior,
It is the essence of femininity, spontaneity, softness, wisdom, strength and tender.
تتميز بالرفاهية المادية، والصبر، والعاطفة، والطموح، شخصية حازمة قوية، وشديدة الغيرة، كما تتميز بالهدوء والرزانة والاستقرار، تميزه بالفضول وحب المعرفة والوصول إلى الهدف، وقدرته على استثمار وقتها بشيء مفيد، بالكفاءة؛ بسبب قدرتها العجيبة والقوية فلا يصعب عليها شيء، كما تتميز بالصبر والهدوء والبرودة، وتحمل المسؤولية، فهي لا تثار بسهولة وتغض الطرف عن الكثير من الأشياء، كما أنها ذكية فطنة ولا يهمها الحصول على الشهادات العالية بقدر ما اهتمامها بالمعرفة والاطلاع لذلك تكون متمسكة بالمبادئ الأساسية، بالإضافة إلى أنها مثال للمرأة العملية، وتستطيع التعامل مع الكثير من التوتر والقلق الناتج من عائلتها أو من نفسها، وعلى الرغم من ذلك فهي نادراً ما تنسحب أو تنهار، أو تتذمر، أو تظهر علامات الانزعاج، كما وتتجنب التعاطف، وتعتمد بدلاً من ذلك على ثباتها للتغلّب على الموقف، وتعرف كيفية إنجاز الأمور بنفسها، وهي امرأة حازمة عندما تحتاج إلى ذلك، وفي الغالب لا تمنح ولاءها إلا لعدد قليل من الناس، وستتوقع نفس الشيء في المقابل، وهي على استعداد دائم لتقديم الدعم أو التوجيه لمن تثق بهم، ولكن قد يخيب أملها بسهولة إذا لم تحصل على الشيء ذاته في المقابل، كما أنها صديقة وفية مخلصة، ومرهفة الإحساس، وتتمتع بالمرح الذي يجذب القلوب إليها بسهولة، وفي بعض الأحيان تكون فوضوية ومشاكسة وفي أحيان أخرى تكون رزينة وهادئة، طفولتها تبقى مطبوعة في ذاكرتها وتترك أثراً واضحاً في تصرفاتها،
هي خلاصة الأنوثة والعفوية والنعومة والحكمة والقوة والعطاء.

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