
DEAF_KHENJE, 19890607, Tagoloan, Northern Mindanao, Philippines
DEAF_KHENJE uploaded a new profile picture:
DEAF_KHENJE, 19890607, Tagoloan, Northern Mindanao, Philippines
fadhlan, New York, New York, United States

I am fadhlan, there is something important I would like to share with you. Please reach me at this email: (fadhlanwilliams47@gmail.com)

DEAF_KHENJE, 19890607, Tagoloan, Northern Mindanao, Philippines
DEAF_KHENJE has just signed up. Say hello!
princesse20, 19961116, Cotonou, Littoral, Benin

Nice to meet you,my name is miss Jersey am from Africa i will like you to contact me through my email address for easier communication so that we get to know more about each other very well,love matters mostly in life,and i will also share some of my pictures with you and tell you more about myself,my email address is,,{jerseytimothy2021@gmail.com) i am waiting for your mail. have a wonderful day

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